Growing a small army..........Attitude of Gratitude 

Excited for the growth of support for this grand dream. It is inspiring, moving and emotional to reach out to each of the donors. Some of them from Childhood, some from theatre life, some from family and others who are just moved to support. Each one important and integral to building a small army....

Over the course of the first week we have grown from 6 donors to almost 20. I knew that this campaign would be difficult. That reaching out and connecting to people about a 200 year old poem and making that resonate in todays world is a tough sell. But it does connect slowly and with conversations with people about how and why it is important to attempt this project. Maybe people resonate with the feminist aspect of having female narrators. Maybe its the epic adventure of interesting locations. Maybe its the artists involved and the potential of great work happening. Either way small bits of momentum are being molded into a reality and that is exciting.

So the goal is to continue to connect with people and see if they want to join the Byron army of support. We can continue to build numbers and try to grow donor by donor. I am determined to try and build this project in the right way. I felt that way about the construction company that I used to run. Build it slowly and with real connections and then with a solid foundation proceed into growth.

I spent some time with my mother yesterday too. I always do on Sunday. She is a poet and we always have good conversation about words and meanings and what is important in life. I was able to collaborate or a poetry book with her this past year and I'm glad that I was able to help her realize a dream of collecting her poems into a book.

Some of my mom's favorite phrases are. "Always be thankful." and "Don't take yourself too seriously,   humor is a good tonic to the challenges of life." It's funny how a mother can have an affect on your outlook on things. She is always one to stop and smell the flowers.

Life is about realizing your dreams. Or even if you can't really going for it and trying with all of your might towards that end. That is one of the best things. Knowing that you are striving towards something real and unique. Lord Byron's Don Juan the web series would certainly be that. Real and unique and a dream realized.

So with 20 donors and a script, this big idea is beginning to realize its dreams. Thank you for all the support. Thank you for helping realize this dream. Thank you for believing with me that the poetry of Lord Byron could be some thing really special. My appreciation for all the support is real and growing and for that we go forward in gratitude.


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